DevTools Tips

Convert images to data-urls

A data URL is a URL that starts with the prefix data: instead of http: or https:. This data prefix (or scheme) allows you to embed the actual content of the resource in the URL itself, rather than linking to it. For example data:text/html,<h1>Hello world</h1> is a data URL that contains HTML content directly. Try it out in a browser tab!

Images can also be encoded as data URLs. Here is a 2x2 pixel solid red PNG image as a data URL: .

It can sometimes be useful to convert images to their data URLs, for example when you want to embed the images in a standalone HTML document that doesn't make any server requests.

To convert any image to a data URL:

  • In Firefox:

    1. Open the image you want to convert in a new tab. Or open the webpage that contains the image you want to convert in a tab.
    2. Open DevTools.
    3. Open the Inspector tool.
    4. Find the image you want to convert in the DOM tree and right-click it.
    5. Select Copy > Image Data-URL.
  • In Chrome or Edge:

    1. Open the image you want to convert in a new tab. Or open the webpage that contains the image you want to convert in a tab.
    2. Open DevTools.
    3. Open the Network tool.
    4. Find the image you want to convert in the list of requests and click it.
    5. Click the Preview tab in the sidebar.
    6. Right-click on the image preview and select Copy image as data URI.
  • In Polypane:

    1. Right-click on the image you want to convert.
    2. Select Copy... > Copy as data URI. Other options include coping as an IMG tag, copying as markdown and as CSS background-image.

The Network tool in Edge, an image is selected, the Preview tab is open, and the right-click menu shows the copy image as data URI item