DevTools Tips

Force execution, skipping breakpoints, when paused

When using breakpoints to debug your JavaScript code, sometimes you end up setting many breakpoints in different functions. You might want to keep these breakpoints but not always pause at them.

There are two ways to do this in DevTools:

  • Forcing execution, skipping over other breakpoints.
  • Or temporarily deactivating breakpoints.

Force execution #

Forcing execution is only supported in Chrome and Edge:

  1. Open the Sources tool.
  2. Set all of the breakpoints that you need.
  3. Once paused at your first breakpoint, click and hold the Resume script execution button and then select the Force script execution button. The script execution resumes, and doesn't pause at any other breakpoint.

The Sources tool in Edge, showing the Force script execution button

Temporarily deactivate breakpoints #

In Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, you can temporarily deactivate breakpoints:

  1. Open the Sources tool in Chrome or Edge, or the Debugger tool in Firefox.
  2. Set all of the breakpoints that you need.
  3. Once paused at your first breakpoint, click the Deactivate breakpoints button, and then click Resume. The script execution resumes, and doesn't pause at any other breakpoint.

The Debugger tool in Firefox, showing the Deactive breakpoints button